WTH we can't "change" state changed events listeners for template-sensor

Or at least reduce down the list. The strongest argument for the use case is a template over multiple sensors that don’t have the same update interval, so we can change it to only listen to the sensor that updates less often.

If you use a triggered template (new style), only your explicit triggers will be taken into account, e.g

- trigger:
  - entity_id: input_button.test
    platform: state
    - name: Current Time
      unique_id: current_time
      state: "{{ now() }}"

now() should make that sensor update every minute, but it doesn’t.

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So it’s doable just not through UI!

I’m already using a template w/ a time trigger every second for example, but it never occurred to me that it could actually work this way too! In other words that it will suppress other events. Thanks for the info! :wink: