WTH we dont have a is_available filter?

Just to add this note, I pushed a PR to this some time ago… in the end it was rejected because no one agreed with any naming. :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Now I see, that would then be separate change since it is different portion. Note that you should be able to do this with current solution by using template trigger and condition:

  - alias: Some Automation
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_nominal('sensor.sensor1') }}
    conditions: "{{ is_nominal('sensor.sensor2') }}
      - service: notify.mobile_app
          message: "{{ 'Test ok' if is_nominal('sensor.sensor3') else 'Test bad' }}"

I like that one. :slight_smile:

This was my original PR! Add template filter default_na: Default Not Assigned Filter by soloam · Pull Request #65384 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Hope this one gets approved!

Absolutely. No beginner would know/use this though :slight_smile:

I was going to a default like behavior! But the filter option is better, we can use it in conditions directly.

With prefix though? I would agree with has_valid_state :ok_hand:

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In the end, if the name says something that is clear, and if it’s in the documentation… any name is good to me!

This promotes the misconception that unavailable and unknown are not valid states. The terms valid/invalid usually indicate conformance/non-conformance to known and accepted rules. However unavailable and unknown are members of a group of accepted states (like on or off). The distinction is that they represent non-nominal states; they convey information that there’s a problem with the entity (it’s not performing nominally).

It’s a subtle but important distinction, used in engineering, to improve descriptive accuracy.

An example of an invalid state would be an integration that produces a binary_sensor reporting down instead of off. That would be truly invalid because it fails to conform to Home Assistant’s rules for a binary_sensor’s acceptable states.

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I really doubt that the target audience would likely know what “nominal” means and would probably understand that unknown or unavailable means something isn’t right.

I think that subtlety would be lost on most users. :wink:

I would like some variation of the “invalid” term myself.

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Fwiw if this is to be added it should be a jinja test, not a filter and should probably just be called nominal. That way you can do this:

  - alias: Some Automation
      - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ 'sensor.sensor1' is nominal }}"
    conditions: "{{ 'sensor.sensor2' is nominal }}"
      - service: notify.mobile_app
          message: "{{ 'Test ok' if 'sensor.sensor3' is nominal else 'Test bad' }}"

And more importantly, if its a jinja test you can do this:

{% set sensors_to_test = ['sensor.sensor1', 'sensor.sensor2', 'sensor.sensor3', ...] %}
{{ sensors_to_test | select('nominal') | list }}

If its not a test then it can’t be used in a select filter to reduce a list of sensors to only the nominal ones.

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So providing a state object itself, something like: is_nominal(sensor.test) or is_nominal(sensor.test.attributes.attr)?
Issue with that would be that one would get an error if the state object does not exist.

well, yeah I know that and you know that but I’d venture a guess that most people don’t.

State object (simple test):

{{ is_nominal(states.sensor.test) }}
{{ states.sensor.test is is_nominal }}

State object, for the intended use case in a generator as a test. I can help you set this up in your PR if you need me to. EDIT: Looked at your PR, looks like you got this part figured out so these following test cases should work. You have to use at least 1 select or selectattr in your test case because that doesn’t work without pass_eval_context and if someone changes that it’ll break select, selectattr, reject and rejectattr

{{ states | select('is_nominal') | list }}
{{ states | selectattr('state', 'is_nominal') | list }}
{{ states | selectattr('attributes.attr', 'is_nominal') | list }}


{{ is_nominal('sensor.test') }}

Attribute or string

{{ is_nominal(states.sensor.test.attributes.attr) }}
{{ is_nominal(state_attr('sensor.test', 'attr')) }}

I was thinking something simple like is_good :man_shrugging: I’m sure that will be a point of contention in the PR.

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The main use case that I was thinking was to use in if similar to the is_defined, but with the state, like:

{% if states('sensor.test')|is_good %}
   do this
{% else %}
  do that
{% endif %}

Yes, that would work if he incorporates strings instead of just entity_id’s and state objects.

I’ll include myself in that group of “don’t know” when it came to understanding the meaning of the word ‘slug’. Entity_ids are slugs. It took a quick googling to learn what that means in the context of software terminology.

There’s a filter available to convert a string to a slug and it goes by the amusing name slugify.

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I kinda think that should be the way to go, it should receive a string and return false if that string is on the ones that are considered “not good”