Hi, I use a lot of helpers to for example store ‘movement detected by RF PIR’.
For development or other purposes I try to disable some helper. Afterwards I get error reports on automations using the helper. So I want to enable the helper-- it isn’t there. There is nothing to enable, hence the automation error.
This is actually an UI issue that has been reported already ~2years ago and never has been fixed: Menu is missing on the helper page (Integrations/Devices/Entities are fine) · Issue #14167 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub
It’s not a bug, the helper is not deleted but disappear from Helper view as you have no option to show helpers in disabled state in that view. If you go in Entity view, you should be able to find your helper and re-enable it if you want.
If it’s not deleted, I should be able to select it in the drop-down menu when editing the automation… right? wrong.
No. A disabled helper for all intents and purposes no longer exist. The only difference from actually deleting it is that a disabled helper can easily be brought back again by reenabling it.