WTH When will Home Assistant reach out to manufacturers?

When will Home Assistant make outreach to manufacturers? I do not mean, “we built it, now they come”, but active outreach. (I am aware of the vendor program. One has to dig to find it.)

I see all kinds of compatibility logos and advertising by manufacturers.

What would it take to make Home Assistant a “Works with…” industry de facto?
What would it take to make Home Assistant a “Works with…” sales benefit the manufacturers?

HA collects a treasure trove of information already. e.g., " The Zigbee Home Automation integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.44, and it’s used by 17.4% of the active installations."
Drill a bit down “Zigbee Home Automation 24653 (17.4 %)”.

Imagine dear Manufacturer! That is 24653 users that connected at least 2 Zigbee devices! And, these are only the ones that report in. We estimate only 1% (?) reports in. That is nearly 2.5 miillllllion potential customers! The only thing you have to do is run it through a test for compatibility, and slap the Works with Home Assistant logo on the box! Cannot get any cheaper to get qualified marketing outreach!"…

Okay, maybe a bit overboard, bot conceptually this is exactly what I mean.

Why? Because then future devices, solutions, etc. will work with HA. Yes, my motive is that we get more compatible things.