I get it, that YAML is the standard for configuration in Home Assistant. Personally I hate YAML, but love HA, so I’m using it nevertheless.
However, in one place HA would benefit a lot by using other language - scripts. Would be great to write your scripts in other language (e.g. Python or JavaScript). Evaluating such scripts shouldn’t be a problem and the syntax will be just standard Python/JS syntax (service calls etc. could be exported as functions).
We can keep YAML support for easy UI programming, but I would really like to see also more programmatic approach.
I really don’t know why I’ve missed that Python Scripts integration! Would be great to have a link in the scripts screen “if you want to program script using Pythonm, see [link] this integration”.
I still feel like it should become just an another tab in the window, so user can choose “easy for non-programmers” or “advanced (python lang)” mode. Sure, it’s not something super urgent, but a really nice-to-have for anyone who is familiar with any programming language (Yaml is not suited for programming)