Why are we forced to use go2RTC while a lot of people having issues with this.
Especially Reolink camera’s don’t work with go2RTC. Please give us back the choice how to implement the camera’s by ourselves.
This! WebRTC has been merged but there is ZERO documentation how to set it up.
The Open Home Foundation will host the negotiating network infrastructure (STUN servers) for free for all Home Assistant users and enable the capability to use WebRTC for peer-to-peer connections whenever possible. If you are using Home Assistant OS or our containers, after you update this will automatically work out of the box.
I never asked that my HA instance to use some external infrastructure “out of the box”.
It is also kind of buggy.
They say it works “out of the box” so what do I have to setup ?
For me it doesn’t work at all.
I was advised by the community to remove go2rtc from the default_config but that doesn’t help.
Yeah, same thing, it kind of works, but buggy and there are zero controls.
you can disable. If you have “default_config:” in your config file it will be enabled by default, which well, is what you must want if you have it set to default config. to disable you should remove “default_config” and individually add the defaulted integrations you desire back as needed. in this case only what you desire will be added as an integration in your install. default_config is likely there for new users to help them get started but at some point it may be good for a user to move away from it. No clue really, just opinion.
While it actually does show how to enable it and disabling it is inferred, I have no clue how to use it. I thought it would be obvious but i am currently searching the forum to figure it out which is how I landed here.
Please. anyone know how to use it when, for example, you have an existing go2rtc instance with cameras connected. I added below to my config expecting HA to pull in those connected cameras but nothing. I am guessing maybe I need to add this with webrtc integration or something but yeah… a few usage examples would go a long way.
url: http://frigate:1984 #go2rtc from my frigate install
Go2rtc is local and even as defaulted its local.
you can remove if desired
You say that everyone knows this integration.
But many people do not use cameras.
Like me - and this untested integration is flooding my log with errors.
And please stop proposing an excluding a default_config. Adding integrations then back is a challenge for many users.
Thanks, I was wondering what this go2rtc thing listening to random ports was. I don’t have any cameras so this is completely useless for me. However, do you know what default integrations are enabled by, well, default? I don’t see webrtc or go2rtc listed in the integrations in the web interface… So that isn’t the full list of enabled integrations?
EDIT: Also this is fun in the (mostly default) configuration:
# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.
That suggests that you shouldn’t remove that. But go2rtc is sitting there doing nothing, eating 19 MB RAM (not insignificant on a Raspberry Pi).
Thanks, there doesn’t seem to be a way to disable individual plugins without adding all the ones you want back, if I understand correctly. This means that i won’t automatically get any newly added default plugins on upgrades (which can be a good and bad thing, as this go2rtc demonstrated).
It would be nice if there was a way to write a “default_config but ignore x, y and z”…
I have maybe 6 or 7 of the defaults enabled.
I think removing it wont cause any issue.
You should be reading release notes, to avoid breaking changes, prior to Monthly Version Upgrade.
If you do that you wont miss anything.
There is also my custom component, which can help with that.
Nothing against your great work but this is ill advised for something that me be easily done
It’s just bad policy to implement 3rd party tools for simple tasks. If self maintained I think that is different
Firewall rule are deny all /all necessary
I think software should be same and use of default_config goes against that
There needs to be balance to all things.
I think in this case the security impact is pretty negligible.
In terms of convenience I think you and I differ on whether this is something that is “easily done”. Having to track which new components are added every release and having to manually enable them is too cumbersome for many (myself included).
However if you are willing to do it yourself, then there is certainly nothing wrong with that approach.
go2rtc works fine for me with Unifi cameras. The integration might have been updated to use go2rtc properly. No config needed or possible for that matter with the integrated version.
You can enable debug mode for go2rtc but everything is set dynamically.
For me it’s a big improvement, as I can now use HA notifications and camerafeeds without delays, which had 3-10s delays before go2rtc was implemented natively.
go2rtc can also be implemented multiple ways into HA where you have more control, which I used in the past.
Also you can just disable the WebRTC connections (STUN) inside your Home Assistant Cloud settings within your HA, if it gives you problems.
It works fine until it doesn’t. Mine will leave a random stream producer running that eventually will run my Reolink battery cam dead. I have seen this happen using the debug UI. This should definitely be a feature you can opt into or out of and not just part of the default config. I’m sure it works for some, and that’s great. Looking at how many issues are filed on the go2rtc project, looks like it has all kinds of long standing bugs.
Does this mean it is difficult to manage integrations that are not done from UI?
Can you explain?
I do not understand the 1st sentence.
You proposed here to “simply” exclude default_config and then manually add all required integrations.
I told you that many users (who does not use go2rtc) do not want to do it.
Besides, why users need to exclude an integration from default_config if they are spammed with errors? May be this integration should be fixed instead?
I think I’ve found a simple method for disabling go2rtc. Just follow the example for a self-hosted instance:
url: http://my-go2rtc-instance:1984
It produces a warning on restart
Could not connect to go2rtc instance on http://my-go2rtc-instance:1984 ()
but doesn’t appear to affect performance in any way!