WTH - Why automation.trigger waits for other automation to finish

Why when I use automation.trigger it waits for other automation to finish.

  - action: switch.toggle
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      entity_id: switch.switchbot_1
  - action: automation.trigger
    metadata: {}
      skip_condition: true
      entity_id: automation.czas_na_kawe_ciag_dalszy
  - set_conversation_response: Już grzeję ekspres!   # It waits here for automtion from the above step to finish

Trigger should only trigger, not trigger and wait.

What automation mode is automation.czas_na_kawe_ciag_dalszy set to?

I don’t know if this will solve your issue, but try setting it to parallel.

You should not need to trigger automations manually. That is what scripts are for.

Default, so single. Setting to parallel doesn’t solve this.

Fair, but trigger should only trigger. There should be switch, same like skip_condition, maybe wait for finish

Use a script. Depending on how you call it it will not wait for the script to complete, see: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/script/#waiting-for-script-to-complete

Or you can parallel actions, see: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/scripts#parallelizing-actions

Make sure you read the warnings.

I get it that I should use script, but if automations shouldn’t be triggered manually why automation.trigger exists?

Testing the actions (and conditions if you run the service with the skip_conditions option set to false).

Yes I know that this discussion should already be ended BUT wouldn’t it be the same as what buttons Run actions in automation options and Run action in actions do?

Yep, but they came later. HA has excellent bacwards compatibility, old services and syntax are often retained when new methods are introduced.

Also not everyone uses the automation editor (me for one).

Get it, thanks for explanation, and sorry for my nitpicking.
But I still think there should be a switch like wait for finish :smiley:

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