WTH Why can't we use the Assist Alias in the target

meaning to create a Christmas script toggling various lights and switches with a Christmas related alias, like Kerstboom, or Crib, I only now realize we have not such thing in the toolbox. All we have is

Area, Device, Entity, Label:.

Please add an Alias selector?

in yaml:

action: switch.turn_on
  assist_alias: kerstboom
data: {}

Would be nice to have that available in the filters too btw…

That’s a target selector, change it to an entity selector and you’ll be able to use the alias. Same as if you click add entity in the target selector (which searches for entities by entity_id or alias).

you mean this?

does not seem to pick up the entities with that alias.

( I am aware I can also set that alias as a label btw, but given the fact we use the alias with Assistant I had hoped to not have to double that)

You’re referring to the Assist alias? You should revise your WTH because there’s 72893432 alias’es in HA.

It wouldn’t be it’s own selector either, you’d just be adding the ability to use an assist alias in the search when adding entities.

sharp, thanks. done