WTH why do tile cards not support statistics?

While buillding an interface for my weather station I noticed that there is no nice way to mix tile cards and statistic cards. The two look nothing alike and I gave not found a simple way to display statistics with tile cards! WTH!

Do you mean like this?

But that just looks off… The Tile card has way to much padding now… I was aware that I could resize it, but that doesn’t really help in this situation.

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Can you explain what you were expecting? Or how you wish it looked?

What I actually want I guess is for the tile card to support statistics. Meaning I have a default tile card which just shows my statistics (like max over some time).
Or create a new statistics tile card which looks like a normal tile, but works like a statistics card. Hope that clears my idea up! (Feel free to ask if not)

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I would like to have a Tile feature you can attach to any tile casd and configure what statistic you want to display.