It would be great to be able to create events for birthdays and anniversaries older than 1970 (Unix epoch) using the local calendar integration. It would also be helpful to automatically calculate and display the person / events age.
I know this can be done with other integrations but it would be great to have a fully local and out of the box implementation!
Shameless plug to another users feature request if this isn’t picked up:
Like you mentioned, I do this right now with the Anniversaries custom component. I only do it for a few key events but it would be great to use it for my all-family google calendar that contains over a 100 yearly events where displaying the calculated age would be nice.
In support of a future solution, I have the origin date as the only text in the event description. I could probably pull that info out into a template sensor that shows the calculated age, but that wouldn’t be part of the calendar. Ideally google would just do this but if they haven’t yet I don’t think they will. The next best option would be edit_event support for google calendar. An automation would run that grabs the event description date, calculate the current age an then edits the google event (name or description) with the value.
Custom fields in the local calendar would be cool but, for my use would only be useful if I can sync (and keep in sync) the google events to a local copy and then edit that local event version with the age for display and use in HA. I don’t think local calendar supports event editing yet either.
Hmm…I suppose I could create non-recurring local events each year that contain the age based on the date in the google event description… Bit ugly but could be a temporary option
All that to say, I agree and am trying to do something similar!