The default todo-list card takes up far too much space on dashbaords.
Firstly, I would kindly suggest hiding the ‘Active’ label when the ‘Hide completed items’ option in the configuration is enabled.
Secondly, I think the ‘Add item’ input field should only be visible if the plus icon is clicked. The plus icon can initially be displayed on the top-right-side of the header containing the to-do card’s name.
Finally, a collapsable “show more” section for lists that are very long would be appreciated. An alternative could possibly be to allow the user to set a number to limit the amount of entries displayed, and to add Tap/Hold behaviours, to enable users to navigate to the To-do lists page.
I love HA but most default cards look like they were designed in the 90s, the TODO list card included. Mushroom cards brought some well-needed relief to the visual language of HA dashboards but unfortunately there isn’t a specialized TODO list mushroom card… yet :(.
I agree with all your points / suggestions for the default TODO card. And we need a compact view. Currently each item has massive padding.
I agree with everything. AND I would like to add, that you should be able to sort them in different ways. E.g. alphabetically, last on top, last on bottom. This is especially important, if you collapse the list. I would always like to see the last item, to check, if the correct one was added (if something was added).
I have been screaming for this for over a year. So many other cards were developed to let you pick the number of items. But the todo card is lacking ALOT. Number of items (as mentioned), sorting (as mentioned). This would be KEY for me. I have a shared “house todo’s” that any random thing we decide to do around the house goes on it. after just a couple items the card is too big.
But if the card would allow me to sort, and pick the number of items. I can sort by due date if there is one, then priority, then date added ect.
I would settle for number of items and sorting by date added asc/desc.