WTH! Why doesn’t the Home Assistant app reset to the first dashboard when switching back from another app?

WTH! Why doesn’t the Home Assistant app reset itself to the first dashboard when switching back from another IOS/Android app?

Right now, when you switch to another app and return to Home Assistant, it stays on the last dashboard you were using.

While this can sometimes be helpful, it’s not always the preferred behavior. Many users expect the app to reset to the first (default) dashboard for quick and consistent access, just like other intuitive apps do.

Let’s make the app smarter and align with user expectations—vote for a seamless return to the first dashboard!

It is for me.


I would not like this behavior personally. I mainly use the app as a remote for my tv. It’s on that page 90% of the time and it’s not my main page.


No way would I vote for this and I believe this in NOT the expected behavior. I switch back and forth app to app, I would expect the app remains where is was and does not change.


I agree with the others. I don’t think any app should change from the page I had it on when I switch away and go back.

The Android app has support for this

Settings > companion app > always show first view on app start

This is not on by default but some users do find it useful

Thanks for this hint @dshokouhi. I had this option active and didn’t know about it. Was already annoyed that the app always reseted to the first page everytime I switched between Apps on my Android phone. So deactivated it now.
Can also agree with the others, I would not like the option to be standard. At least it needs to be able that people have the choice.

I am not sure if this warrants a new thread, but I would like to add something to this request:

The existing toggle in the App is great already, however it would be even better if this “reset to first dashboard” action would not apply immediately when leaving/opening the app again, especially not if it was just paused (in the background).

I recently was trying to switch between Home Assistant and another App on my phone (Browser or something idk) and I gave up on doing what I wanted to do, because the app constantly reset the page. While I generally like that the app starts at the first page, it doesn’t really make sense to reset the state immediately even if the app is only paused for a second.

So my proposal would be:
Add a short (and possibly configurable) timeout before resetting to the first dashboard.