WTH why doesnt the Companion app have a direct link to Nabucasa

Found myself locked out of the Companion app once again, after updating the (beta) app, and going off the local network.

In that case my remote-ui is automatically enabled, allowing me to login over the external-url (Home Assistant Cloud) when away from home.

I opened the app, only to get the URL error screen, and not being able to login. Inside the App there is no option/screen to connect directly to your Nabucasa account and c&p the url, or, even better, auto set that up after successful login check.

had to open another browser, navigate to Nabucasa.com, next https://account.nabucasa.com and login there to get the external URL.

entering that in the App still didnt allow me to login however…

long story short:

please add an in-app button to the Nabucasa login