WTH: Why header so unnecessarily big?

It still shows up if you have just 1 view. (saw you already posted it, sorry)

yeah but who has only 1 view?
did a FR https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/discussions/7443

Thank you for the advice, it is working but the loading is very slow, after the main view is loaded the other views remain without header.

Update of my previously answer: in this way the side bar cannot be pulled out so I can not reach on the dashboard.

@Mariusthvdb: Here’s a (hacky) workaround to change the name in the sidebar:

Create a .js-file with the script below, add your instance name in the brackets at the end and add that to the dashboard resources

document.querySelector('home-assistant').shadowRoot.querySelector("home-assistant-main").shadowRoot.querySelector("app-drawer-layout").querySelector("app-drawer").querySelector("ha-sidebar").shadowRoot.querySelector('div.title').innerHTML = "Your Name";

Seems to work pretty well for me.

ha, cool, thanks!

just updated my main system to the new beta 117.0b1 (I know I shouldn’t do that), and it went miraculously well. Had to restart once manually over the CLI, because I got the red config complaining about the missing CC’s.

after that, only a few templates complain about the data types. and yes! the CH settings still work beautifully
And show my Instance name (and view) in the customized header.

Knowing this is going to break somewhere, Ill use the js resource very soon.

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BTW if you’re still looking for edit mode compact header, I made a card-mod config for 0.117, download atom.io (please, it’s quick!), install teletype in the settings panel, and go to https://tinyurl.com/y3cjwvw7 (atom://teletype/portal/95b5cf30-755f-4ca2-8050-bb3bb97e6829)