WTH - Why is a variable timer such a pain?

A timer is a cool thing for automations, but the main cool thing about a timer outside of HA is that you can set its time on-demand as you need.
In home assistant however a timer is a static helper that by default you can only edit in the helper screen.
Changing a timer duration from the dashboard seems to work basically only by adding another input number helper, putting that into the dashboard, and then having code in the automation that uses the integer value of that input number to translate it into minues for a timer (I find several “tutorials” that go that way).

This has to be made easier, a timer needs to be flexible, so that its value can be changed from the dashboard by default. With its current functionality, a timer is basically limited to what also the wait/delay in an automation does.

Or am I missing something, then please someone point me to the (new simple) solution! :slight_smile: