WTH Why is it so hard to increase/decrease a setting state?

I’ve now tried for hours to just make a simple button that increases the set temperature of my climate entity. And oh my god. Why can’t I just “set temperature: +1”?
From what I’ve managed to figure out I’m supposed to fetch the current setting, convert from string to float and then do the math. Which would be fine if I could make it work or if the visual editor made simple. I also tried to write an automation so I could reuse for decreasing temp and maybe do a similar thing for volume. But right now I want to set the house on fire instead.

Intended usage in for a Shelly in wall display, so the round slider widget for the climate card is not a good UI fit.

Create scripts to increase/decrease and assign them to dashboard buttons.

Script example:

  alias: Increase Thermostat Temperature
    - service: climate.set_temperature
        entity_id: climate.YOUR_THERMOSTAT_ID
        temperature: >
          {{ state_attr('climate.YOUR_THERMOSTAT_ID', 'temperature') | float + 1 }}

Yes that does work :slight_smile: Thank you holger14!
(I still say it should be easier, but this solved my immediate issue)

Have you tried alternative climate cards. E.g. this is one from the ‘mushroom’ set:
It has the buttons already. It does require HACS, since it is a custom frontend item

The core tile card has that feature now:


Well waddayaknow. Very handy. You can even turn display of the buttons and off!