WTH - Why is there no default user with automatic logon?

I would describe my smart home ideas as “average user”. I am alone in maintaining the system for my family and I am only using HA in my local LAN. I have no desire for remote access. I dont need 33 users for the HA installation. Just one!

For this scenario HA is not well prepared. You can disable the login procedure but it does not work properly.
Please give an option to make the system “insecure” to simply display the Web GUI when I am using my browser.

adding the option, to make it insecure is bad, what if you forget and expose it externally.

There have been numerous posts a few years back before the authtiction provider was introduced with exposed HA instances on the internet without passwors and then people complaining they have been hacked.


Please explain. I have not had to enter a username/password for over a year… It works plenty properly

OK, classical case of RTFM, in this case I was not scrolling down enough to find the “allow_bypass_login” parameter :smirk:
Works fine now on my Desktop Browsers. I still got the problem with my iPad though where HA is not loading only showing the white and blue background. I thought this was related to the login issue but apparently not. A github issue has already been raised on that.