WTH Why isn't there a system resource dashboard?

I’m running an Odroid N2+ with HASSos, and I really lack a way to monitor my system.
Yes, I can add the sensors in the Home Assistant configuration, but I’d like to have it out of the box.

Just expand the Storage tab(Settings → System) with some additional stuff like:

  • CPU usage
  • RAM usage
  • Network

This makes it easier to identify if I have enough room for another Addon, or which addon is using a lot of resources and slowing the system down.

It’s currently (Poorly hidden IMO) located settings → system → repairs → 3 vertical dots upper right corner → system information → scroll to bottom

That’s just core.

The host is on system → hardware

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Aha! it takes a few seconds before it loads up, which is why I thought this information isn’t available.

Then I would still request to move it together with Storage or move storage over to this overview.
It makes more sense to have that information grouped together.

Yep, that got me too. :man_facepalming: