WTH - Why no equavalent of raspi-config in HAOS?

Seeing how many people end up locking themselves out of their HA by say setting the netmask to /32 and then finding no easy way to fix that (easy for an ordinary admin / user I mean), I think it would be nice to have something similar to the raspi-config that would allow you to reset the network from a simple menu, with the direction to how to access as a prompt on the HA host splash screen.

“Type haos-config to enter basic configuration menu”


To restore the default configuration the ha network CLI command can be used as well:

ha network update default --ipv4-method auto

Thanks, I appreciate that but the problem with that is you actually have to know:

  1. Such a command exists

  2. What the command is.

  3. How to correctly apply it (to get the outcome you want), including if you have to log in etc.

Menus can be explored, the CLI typically can’t (by many).

I am mildly dyslexic and so copy-typing the command you offer is fraught with typo risks (where the best outcome is ‘Bad command’. :wink:

Then … don’t forget to vote for your own suggestion :wink:

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Thanks, done. :wink:

Perhaps even better solution/suggestion would be to correct the fact - prevent from happening - that HA can set itself to that mask (by itself!) in the first place (it happened to me, too)…

I wasn’t sure exactly what happened as I was just shoulder surfing and advising my mate as he was entering the IP details but I don’t think I saw anything untoward (and I was advising re what address to set HA to etc).

So I wonder if you could add the /24 to the IP address field and if that would override the netmask?

I still think a raspi-config like utility would be handy, even if only for those times when a router dies (and you don’t know to change the IP address range of the router) or you change it accidentally to a conflicting address?