Seeing how many people end up locking themselves out of their HA by say setting the netmask to /32 and then finding no easy way to fix that (easy for an ordinary admin / user I mean), I think it would be nice to have something similar to the raspi-config that would allow you to reset the network from a simple menu, with the direction to how to access as a prompt on the HA host splash screen.
“Type haos-config to enter basic configuration menu”
Perhaps even better solution/suggestion would be to correct the fact - prevent from happening - that HA can set itself to that mask (by itself!) in the first place (it happened to me, too)…
I wasn’t sure exactly what happened as I was just shoulder surfing and advising my mate as he was entering the IP details but I don’t think I saw anything untoward (and I was advising re what address to set HA to etc).
So I wonder if you could add the /24 to the IP address field and if that would override the netmask?
I still think a raspi-config like utility would be handy, even if only for those times when a router dies (and you don’t know to change the IP address range of the router) or you change it accidentally to a conflicting address?