WTH with WTH

I assumed the explosion in WTH posts was purely as a result of the massive increase in the popularity of HA since the last Month Of WTH (2 years ago? I don’t remember last years?)

I used to read the title of every single new post on this forum almost every single day so I that could open the interesting (to me) ones.

Two or three years ago I had about 8-12 months of little to do with HA including the reading the forum. When I came back I found I just couldn’t keep up anymore with the number of posts.

Maybe I’m mis-remembering? I’m sure the admins will have a better feel but I just wonder if that is why there are so many WTH posts? Loads more users.

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It’s the about the same as the last 2 times. I think the biggest jump was from 2020 to 2022, there was an uptick from 150 topics a week to 200 topics a week. This year it’s still around 200 topics a week.

EDIT: whelp, just looked at the metrics, it’s up from 2022. 330 the first week.

I appreciate, but I was not, and am not, upset.
I always appreciate when you and other moderators clarify points made by forum members. In this specific case, I considered that your response was more as just another forum member than as a moderator.
Anyway, as you correctly suggested, let’s move on.

No harm done.
I do not take it personally anyway and I could see that it did not really relate to my post. :smiley:

Make everyone happy by getting a glass that is half the size. :smiley:

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