WTH: ZWave device grids don't show node status (ready / alive / dead)

This is a massive miss as I can’t sort or filter on node status to see my offline devices/how to fix via reinterview.

Offline / dead devices should also show up under fix me…

Please vote for your own WTH

meanwhile use this markdown

      - type: markdown
        content: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(nodes=[]) %}
          {%- for dev_id in integration_entities('zwave_js')|map('device_id')|unique %}
          {%- set node_id = (device_attr(dev_id,'identifiers')|first|last).split('-')[1] %}
          {%- set ns.nodes = ns.nodes + [(node_id|int,dev_id)] %}
          {%- endfor %}

          ID | Manufacturer | Product | Product code | Name by user | Location / Area | FW | Status


          {%- for node_id,dev_id in ns.nodes|sort(attribute='0') %}

          {{ ['[**%01d**](/config/devices/device/%s)'|format(node_id,dev_id),
              device_attr(dev_id,'name_by_user') or '',
              area_name(dev_id) or '',
              device_entities(dev_id)|select('search','_status')|map('states')|list|join('|') or '' ]|join('|') }}
          {%- endfor %}

Ive just added the node_status column (seems hacky but ok) so you can check and have direct entry to the device
(credits go to Freshcoast)

believe there is a FR for this too somewhere