WUnderground Alerts

Keeping an eye on the weather is necessary for my job, so I signed up for a free WUnderground account and added the appropriate info to my Homeassistant instance. My setup is a Raspberry Pi2 running Raspbian, Homeassistant 0.31.0 (bare metal), and Python 3.4.2. After the first day, I received an email from WUnderground that I had exceeded 500 calls that day but they would use one of my three “raindrops” and not block additional calls that day. As I had made a number of changes to HA that day and restarted it numerous times, I chalked it up to that and mostly left it alone the second day. Sure enough, last night I received another message from WUnderground that I had exceeded 500 calls again and they were using my second “raindrop” to not block further access. Oh oh. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry so I simply deleted the WUnderground configuration instead of saving it and restarted HA. From memory, I had HA set up to display temp_f, station_id, wind_mph, wind_dir, precip_today_in, and alerts. I did not use templates to read the data. Initially, I simply set up the WU component to report those values and it created a badge for each item across the top of the page. I wasn’t fond of that arrangement, so I created a group such that the weather items were in their own card and that was much nicer.

Today, I had a chance to peruse my WUnderground account and it appears that either HA is making separate calls for weather conditions and alerts, or WUnderground treats the two entities as separate calls. WUnderground reported 251 calls for conditions and 261 calls for alerts on day 1, and 255 calls for conditions and 256 calls for alerts on day 2 (for a total >500 each day). Perhaps I missed a configuration parameter somewhere but after reading through the documentation again it’s not clear to me what I might have missed. I could track either conditions or alerts to stay under 500 total calls per day, but it would be nice to have both. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


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Thanks fabaff!
