Looking to replace our blinds and Window coverings throughout our house. We currently getting quotes from one manufacture in Australia Wynstan. They have an automation option that is App controlled.
Does anyone know if this is based on a white labelled system that could integrate with HA ( ie similar to Tuya).
If not can anyone recommend an Australian company that makes automated blinds that are supported by HA?
Most other options appear to have their own remote control so HA integration may be harder.
BTW: I know Ikea blinds are an option, but their current size range won’t fit our windows, so we need to go down the custom made route.
I’ve no idea about Wynstan but I have Somfy Sonesse motors in all our blinds and then have Bond Bridge to connect them to HA (I was using the Somfy Bridge but the Bond Bridge is fully local whereas Somfy one requires cloud). The Bond integration in HA is leaps and bounds better than the Somfy one too. It works beautifully and highly recommend going that route. I just ordered my motors through DIY Blinds and they slipped into our existing blind tubes. Motors get a solid 6 months to a single charge with going up and down daily.
Speaking of Wynstan though, we’ve got a big awning over our back deck which is Wynmotion (well came with a Wynmotion remote, no app or anything, I’m guessing their “smart home system” is just an RF bridge) it uses basic RF and I was able to pair it with my Bond Bridge for control and integration into HA. I wouldn’t mind betting their blinds use the same technology.
Thanks will look into those, will probably work out cheaper to add the motors later rather than through the blinds supplier. Is the bond bridge an RF bridge. I aks as I do have a Smartthings bridge i use for zwave/zigbee lights so wondering if any fo these motors are smart things compatible via zwave
It is an RF Bridge but its 433MHz - so won’t work with a Z-Wave or Zigbee Bridge. Its a really good product though, can also control most Ceiling Fans which have Remote Control capabilities as that uses the same frequency.
Also, I’m not quite sure how Bond have done it, but its the first aftermarket RF bridge I’ve found that works with Somfy Blinds, and as I said, it works considerably better than Somfy’s own bridge.
Did you end up going down this route and trying it? I’ve got Wynstan battery motors which I’ve tried to learn to operate with a broadlink rm4 Pro with no success. It’s really patchy on learning and never got it to drive. Keen to know if the Bond hub worked before I go buy one
Hi, I have just had 4 Wynmotion blinds installed and an awning is on its way. I have a Braodlink RM pro+ and a Broadlink RM4Pro that easily control other RF devices. But I can’t get either of them to control the Wynmotion blinds. Neither will learn the codes from the remote.
I would be very interested to know how you used your Bond Bridge to control your Wynmotion awning.
I also have some older Somfy Sonesse blinds that were a challenge as their frequency is 433.42 not 433.92 and they utilize a rolling code. I built an RF transmitter (after replacing the crystal with a 433.42MHz crystal) and programmed an ESP8266 board. That has worked well for years but it seems from your post that the Bond Bridge must handle the frequency and rolling codes. Is that the case?
Are you using the Bond Bridge or Bond Bridge Pro?
If the Bond Bridge does both it would be a great solution. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
In case anyone comes here looking for a solution for Wynstan blinds, I got a smart home hub (from Wynstan themselves) with the blinds and while it uses the Wynstan app, I noticed the hub is a generic brand. You can instead connect the hub up to the connector+ app which will make the hub visible in home assistant, in which connecting the connector hub to home assistant server is well documented.
Hope this helps for anyone in the future who was looking to integrate Wynstan blinds to home assistant using the smart home hub.
I ended up getting the Dooya DD7002B Connector bridge from a store on eBay and it works flawlessly.
Highly recommend for anyone looking to go this route. It was only $240 compared to $560 quoted for the Wynstan brand.
Easy as plugging it in, pairing through the Connector+ app and the Motion Blinds Integration. The upper and lower limits are set within the app, but after that I haven’t had to touch the 5 channel remote they came with.
RF bridge I just got from Ali works fine with the Dooya remote I have which is DC2760AC 433MHz. From the Aliexpress store GoRelax Life Store. Cost $NZ32 including shipping. Just using it with Google Assistant and Google Home via the ewelink app. Not yet with HA. I’ve attached a photo of the device so you can find it on Ali in case the link below no longer works.
Just following up for those looking for answers, I finally got a bond bridge and it worked perfectly out of the box with the wynstan blinds. Super easy to set up.
How far from the blinds does the Bond Bridge have to be? I am just starting to look into ordering some Somfy motors from DIY Blinds with a Bond Bridge and curious if I can get away with just the one bridge.