Wyoming Protocol - Satellite

In my home I have a Voice Assistant in every room (currently Amazon Echo devices). I’m doing a test to replace them with the Wyoming Protocol devices (which are amazing, by the way) Which currently have 5 satellites in play across 5 rooms.

I’m running into an issue where having the multiple satellites means that several of them activate when they hear a command and they all execute on that command. In most cases this is fine, however, there are some things - like adding items to the shopping list, that result in the same item being added up to 5 times depending on how many of the 5 different satellites activate.

The Satellites have onboard wake-word detection, so I would expect all of them that ‘hear’ me to wake. However, because it then passes the request back to the Home Assistant server, can HASS use something to indicate the one satellite that should follow-through with the command? Perhaps by volume of the person speaking or FIFO of the requests being made, and then only execute the command once and respond on the one satellite that successfully carried out the command?

This will help cut down on the number of times a single command is called and will help disambiguate between the satellites.

I know this is one use-case, but I am anticipating issues as I walk into a room and issue a simple statement like ‘turn on the lights’ or ‘close the shades’ - where I plan to determine the room (area) where the satellite is located to determine the devices to take action on. This will be an issue if multiple satellites ‘hear’ me. I’m guessing I may have to ‘triangulate’ the correct room through the Satellite, Presence detection and other methods.

I read somewhere about a cool down being added to the voice assistant to prevent multiple wakings, but I can not find it now and I do not know if it was with a local wake-word detection.

Did you find a solution for this?

Individual satellites have a ‘mute’ switch which can be toggled from within Home Assistant - you can find these in the developer settings ‘State’ by filtering on Entity contianing ‘mute’. In my setup they appear as e.g. switch.lounge_satellite_mute

I then have presence based automations toggling these switches so that satellites are unmuted when presence is detected. Depending on the hardware you’re using this could be attached to the device (e.g. bluetooth BLE) or separate (e.g. Zigbee PIR/mmwave).

I haven’t tried this, but with onboard wakeword each room could also have a different wakeword set. So you can say e.g. ‘Hey lounge - turn on the lights’.

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