Wyoming protocol?

the other day i installed piper to get fully local text-to-speech capability, and the first thing it did was ask me to connect to the “wyoming protocol”, whatever that is. if it wants to connect to something out on the internet, how can it be fully local? and if it’s supposed to be fully local, why does it want to connect to something on the internet?

what is this “wyoming protocol” anyway?

and if i decide to get rid of piper, how can i uninstall it?

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it’s not a cloud-based service. It’s a local integration.

which is exactly what i don’t want. i want fully local voice services.

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Did you click on the link / read the blurb?

That sentence is somewhat confusing and may mean remote (as in external to HA) rather than remote (as in cloud).

Wyoming is a local service and can connect Piper which is an external local service. …at least is is external for me as I run it in a separate docker container.

…some of the blurb when you click on the link…
Screenshot 2023-09-09 at 10.11.02

I just re-read your original post and see you also asked about uninstalling. You install Wyoming as you do any integration which means you also uninstall it the same way.

Hope that helps!