Wyoming Sat + Pi Zero = Stopped responding

I have been running a Respeaker with Pi3 for few weeks, and I just received 2x Pi Zero 2 & 2x Respeaker 2 MIC hats. I went through the same process of setup following the tutorial on Github. My current Pi 3 is “Sat2w”, and the 2x new ones are “Sat1w” and “Sat3w”. Almost 1:1 clones, same user and same user directory. I did check through the systemd files to insure all was good.

Now my problem. Sat1 is in my kitchen, and works. Sat3 is in my office, and stopped working. For Sat3 I had used a different wake word originally “ok_nabu”, but it failed too often to respond. So I switched that to “hey_jarvis”. This morning I walk in and say the wake word, and nothing. My other 2 satellites will occassionaly blink green LEDs. If I restart the wyoming-satellite service it will also blink. But Sat3’s LEDs never blink.

BUT I can stop the service and do a manual record and playback as described in the tutorial, and it works. I get no errors starting Wyoming, Openwake, and LED services. Further, I am having difficulty trying to get some sort of debug logging or something. Everything seems like it should be working, and yet it doesn’t and I am stuck.