I have 5 wyoming-satellite voice assistants provisioned. Most of the time they work great. However, periodically they time out and go to sleep. The led on the raspberry will begin to flash slowly at about a tempo of 60. The only remedy then becomes recycling the power to them.
I am wondering if someone else has experienced this, and is there a statement that can added to the code to send a keep alive for a specific interval.
Unlikey to be a thermal shutdown I think, but I guess it is possible. Yes, they all have thermal sinks, and in fact are not in enclosures ( there is a 3D printer plan for them available, btw). In the morning there may be one that is still alive. These are all all Pi Zero 2 W. I haven’t disabled the led service. I am trying that next on a couple. Do your leds light up every few minutes as tho the led service has restarted? Mine do that as well. I have started at the script over and over again, and really have no idea what would cause that as well.
Mine are running well.
Did you follow the long tutorial, or use the installer?
I built one using the installer and it was buggy. I rebuilt it using the long tutorial and havent had any issues.
I have 4 running BTW.
Here is my service config. I did add Snapcast and Pulseaudio per Future Proof Homes guidelines. I did change the config a bit. I believe order of the commands makes a difference and also added the error command.
Come to think of it…If you followed the same procedure, when there is a false detection of the wake word, it would cause an error and the volume would stay art its reduced volume. Maybe if its stuck like that for too long it wil cause the system to crash, or overheat…Just a thought…The error command I added fixed the issue.
I provisioned mine per the FutureProofHomes outline also. I added snapcast to 2 of them. I tried varying the order of loading the led routine and it didn’t help. I will try the error-command.
As a follow up; I had been running home assistant on a NUC with the X86 linux flavor install. I reinstalled on a Raspberry Pi4 and all is running smooth and perfectly.