I know discussions here are around the 5020 and 7010, but I just finished up moving my VM to a Wyse 3040. These are really cool little devices, but I had a hell of a time getting things up and running as the UEFI/BIOS on the 3040 is particularly strange. Not to mention I bought it to install a Linux OS and Docker for Frigate, but I successfully got Debian installed once out of 20 tries and no Ubuntu flavor ever would let me install.
I also moved all of the data to a USB SSD with these instructions to make the eMMC my boot drive and the SSD for everything else. So far works pretty good, though I think my VM was faster - this just gives me a lot more flexibility with all of the USB ports.
EDIT: I had issues with this particular device and Frigate, which is pretty resource-intensive. I ended up buying an HP T430 thin client which has better specs, making me think it would work better. I did the same steps as above on that and had the same issues. I ended up adjusting the swap file and so far everything has been running beyond expectations for the last week. If you’re doing all of this with the Wyse, I would also recommend the same thing: How to increase the swap file size on Home Assistant OS
I ended up giving up and deciding I’d give the img.xz a shot and move all of HA to this little device that could run on it’s own, while my server that had the VM could serve other purposes.
I found the winning formula to get it to work as dd commands didn’t work for me on the 3040:
- Booted up a Linux live cd (Ubuntu 16.04)
- Opened Disks
- Wiped the partition
- Restore image (hamburger menu)
- Select the img.xz, let it restore
- Shutdown
- Take out usb
- Let emmc boot to HAOS
- HASS.IO -> transfer from SD card to SSD or USB - #270 by benmarshall
- How to increase the swap file size on Home Assistant OS (found this after doing it on the T430 which made it much more stable and faster. Have not tested on the 3040)