Wyze Cam V3 - RTSP works!

I assume if I’m using Supervised or Hassio, this won’t work?

In theory you should be able to get the docker running on Hassio/Supervised by using Portainer to install any docker, but you sortof need to know what you’re doing. If anyone tries this, I’d be very interested to know - I’m really impressed with the V3 cams and am interested in adding a couple V3s to my system, but only if I know for sure I can add them to Home Assistant.

Wyze, are you listening? :grin:

Hey i made it works with Portainer :
In Portainer, go to Stacks, Add stack, and past this in the ‘Web editor’.

version: '2'
        container_name: wyze-bridge
        restart: always
            - 1935:1935
            - 8554:8554
            - 8888:8888
        image: mrlt8/wyze-bridge:latest
            - QUALITY=HD120
            - LAN_ONLY=True

then Deploy the stack at the bottom.
Then go check your new stack, and find the logs of it :

2021/08/22 15:34:03 I [0/0] rtsp-simple-server v0.17.2

2021/08/22 15:34:03 I [0/0] [RTSP] TCP listener opened on :8554

2021/08/22 15:34:03 I [0/0] [RTMP] listener opened on :1935

2021/08/22 15:34:03 I [0/0] [HLS] listener opened on :8888


2021/08/22 15:34:04 [MainThread] 🔍 Could not find local cache for 'user'

2021/08/22 15:34:04 [MainThread] 🔍 Could not find local cache for 'auth'

2021/08/22 15:34:04 [MainThread] 🌎 Fetching 'auth' from the Wyze API...

2021/08/22 15:34:05 [MainThread] 💾 Saving 'auth' to local cache...

2021/08/22 15:34:05 [MainThread] 🌎 Fetching 'user' from the Wyze API...

2021/08/22 15:34:06 [MainThread] 💾 Saving 'user' to local cache...

2021/08/22 15:34:06 [MainThread] 🔍 Could not find local cache for 'cameras'

2021/08/22 15:34:06 [MainThread] 🌎 Fetching 'cameras' from the Wyze API...

2021/08/22 15:34:06 [MainThread] 💾 Saving 'cameras' to local cache...


2021/08/22 15:34:09 [Front Porch Cam] 🎉 Starting 1080p 120kb/s Stream for WyzeCam V3 (WYZE_CAKP2JFUS) in "LAN mode" FW: IP: WiFi: 98%

2021/08/22 15:34:14 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn] opened

2021/08/22 15:34:14 I [0/0] [RTSP] [session 855588698] opened by

2021/08/22 15:34:14 I [0/0] [path front-porch-cam] created

2021/08/22 15:34:14 I [1/0] [RTSP] [session 855588698] is publishing to path 'front-porch-cam', 1 track with TCP

Awesome. Got it up

Just don’t know how to apply, like how do I get it on my dashboard.
I used file editor and have this for my wyze v2 rstp

""Platform: generic
Name: wyze cam
Still image url : xxxxx
Stream source:rstp://Username:password@IPaddress/live “”

[[ Username and password created in wyze app rstp ]]

Then I use picture entity…

I see portainer shows the wyze v3 cam name IP and conn open

Just don’t know how to add it to file editor

Thank you much

+1 Working on V3 via docker in windows

Also installed HA Add-On - Works great. 2 Cameras 8-12% CPU 2-3% RAM on HA Blue

Installed the HA addon. I have added the camera to blue iris. Camera has been running for 24 hours now with no issue.

Just to note; this works for V2s as well without RTSP custom firmware from wyze, so your v2s can go stock and use this. I’m going to test a few and compare. This is a gamechanger… until wyze shuts it down?

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Check out this page:

I added Wyze Bridge from HA as a add-on and set my configuration with username and password but the logs keep showing this:

2021/09/07 08:40:56 [MainThread] :cloud: Fetching ‘auth’ from the Wyze API…
2021/09/07 08:40:56 [MainThread] HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘auth-prod.api.wyze.com’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /user/login (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f2351dd5c40>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known’))

After reading this thread i though its about time that there was a way around getting the rstp stream to work, so i decided to order a Wyze V3 and go through this implementation, as i got fed up waiting on wyze to do what they said they would do about implementing the RSTP for v3 and i’m still waiting.

Anyway i ordered a Wyze V3 and went through the motions and voila it works as stated after a few permutations in my config to get it working…phew… but i did try it on a Wyze Cam v2 first to see if it works and it did.

Anyway i ordered a Wyze cam 3 (uk) and it came within 48 hrs and after playing around with the configs in all sorts of different ways to get a pic in VLC etc i have it working, also in Blue iris and HA but i cant seem to get this working with Frigate.

Dose anyone no what the correct path is to get the video to show in frigate ? as stated i have tried a whole heap of different permutations, all i get is a green screen and i have tried different resolutions to no avail, just cant get it to show the view of the cam picture.

I have now finally been able to input a username / password for the wyze Bridge to put in the url path using the below, but still the same results connecting via vlc etc but cannot connect via frigate using this path below…

This is for the wyze cam v3, the wyze cam v2 connects fine in frigate using the wyze rtsp firmware, If anyone can give me any pointers that would be great

Due to i was using Unraid / docker app for frigate and it would not detect / display the V3 cam, as stated previously i have tried a lot of permutations to get it to show the V3 cam to no avail.

i decided to try the home assistant frigate add on and voila it worked after a bit of fine turning, i believe there must be a network issue with the docker container trying to grab the image, but all is sorted now with frigate displaying my Wyze V2 and V3 cams…Happy days :slight_smile:

version: '2'
        container_name: Wyze-Bridge
        restart: always
            - 1935:1935
            - 8554:8554
            - 8888:8888
        image: mrlt8/wyze-bridge:latest
            - QUALITY=HD120
            - LAN_ONLY=True
            - [email protected]
            - WYZE_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxx
            - FILTER_MODELS=v3

Thank you for the add-on!

I’ve updated my config files as directed. When i try to load open the picture element card in UI, the video is just spinning; I’m assuming the URL isn’t isn’t appropriately configured. Can some one please help with the trouble shooting steps please?

No errors in my config as HA starts fine. Excerpt from my config.yaml:


UPDATE: I’m able to view the RTSP feed on a VLC player from an iPad. So the configuration works, just not sure why Home Assistant wont load the stream n Lovelace.

FINAL UPDATE: I was able to make it work guys. Everything in the configuration was fine. I just had to replace homeassistant.local in the URL wth <my_actual_ip> and it WORKED!

Hope this helps some one.

Has anyone been able to configure a time for the RTSP_THUMB setting? It looks like it should accept a boolean if you want the default 180 seconds, or a number if you want it different. If I set a number, it automatically reverts back to true instead.

Stopping the add-on seems to help if the value doesn’t stick.

RTSP_THUMB and API_THUMB will be merged into a dropdown list SNAPSHOT starting with v0.7.x. Were there any particular interval values you’d like added to the list?

Looks like even after updating I’m still not able to set it. I edited the configuration via YAML with the addon stopped, and get this error when saving the config:

Failed to save add-on configuration, value must be one of ['API', 'Disable', 'RTSP']. Got {'WYZE_EMAIL': 'redacted', 'WYZE_PASSWORD':  'redacted', 'NET_MODE': 'ANY', 'SNAPSHOT': 'RTSP30', 'MQTT_DTOPIC': 'homeassistant'}

I’m aiming for around 15-30 seconds, but I don’t have a fixed requirement. Ultimately what I’d like is if calling the snapshot service against the camera would generate a fresh snapshot instantly, but it looks like it just pulls the latest RTSP thumb when you call that service. So that’s why I was looking at increasing the refresh time on the thumb.

Yeah, the config schema makes it a little difficult to have some of the more complicated ENV options.

I added a few extra RTSP intervals in v0.7.1.

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Dude, you’re fast! The intervals are working for me now in v0.7.1. Thanks!!

Official RTSP support for Wyze Cam v3 finally released!


Did you tried it ??