Wyze Cam V3 - RTSP works!

I did not have a delay before. It vlc there is a 1-2 sec delay.
This is not a door bell, it is a wyze cam 3 with the rtsp firmware.

I am lucky if I can get an image to play and when it does its like a buffered version.


If you already have the RTSP firmware, that would probably be the better option since it has audio support.

I’m a little completely lost on the configuration of my Wyze Cam v2 :confused:

I have the Docker Wyze Bridge 1.4.4 add-on installed and started with my Wyze credentials in the info tab and the Generic Camera in my integrations.

Do I need the RTSP firmware on my Wyze Cam v2 at all ?
Apart from the Wyze credentials, how do I choose the rest of the settings in the Configuration tab like NET_MODE ?..
Do I need to click on Configure on the Generic Camera card to install a camera ?
If so, what am I to choose in those settings? Still and/or stream ? What RTSP transport protocol ?
Or do I need to use the Picture Entity Card on my dashboard ?

Thanks in advance for your guidance !

Since I eschew anything cloud based, I just flashed my Wyse cameras with RTSP and use the picture-entity card.

No need for the RTSP firmware.
NET_MODE allows you to select the modes that the bridge is allowed to use:

  • LAN - will only allow the bridge to connect and stream from the cameras locally.
  • P2P - will allow to connect directly to the camera over the internet (e.g. remote cameras) if it can’t find it locally.
  • ANY - will attempt to connect locally but will fall back to p2p or relay mode.

Generic camera should work fine. Replace cam-name with your camera name in lower case:

  • Still Image URL:
  • Stream Source URL: rtsp://

The rest can be left to default/blank. TCP for protocol.

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RTSP firmware still needs the cloud to startup.

However, you should be able to block the cams from the WAN after it boots and the video should continue to work with the bridge and/or the RTSP firmware.

How? My Wyze Cameras have never had a cloud account. I take it out of the box, flash RTSP, and add them to my configuration.yaml:

- platform: ffmpeg  
  name: FamilyRoom
  input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://familyroom:[email protected]/live

Something’s not right (using Generic camera) :crying_cat_face:

Still image :
Unable to load valid image from still image URL (e.g. invalid host, URL or authentication failure). Review log for more info.

Stream source :
Timeout while loading URL

Try using so that it pulls everything over the loopback address.

Pretty sure you still need to setup the official rtsp firmware using the wyze app for the wifi credentials and to enable the rtsp server.

The camera always attempts to pulls the AWS certificates on startup for IOT core (MQTT) and Kinesis (video processing/webrtc), and will get stuck in a loop until it can connect.

I tried



to no avail.
I use duckdns and I’m not sure what domain/ip I need to use in those urls…
In /config/network , I have :

In this video, the guy installs the RTSP firmware before using Docker Wyze bridge : is this step mandatory ?
Then he adds a platform in his configuration.yaml then a picture glance card on his dashboard. I don’t know if this setup is still up to date :man_shrugging:

Should work on the standard firmware. Can you access the stream directly with something like VLC?

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Media > Open Network Stream

Tried multiple combinations to no avail :

I read posts above but it’s unclear :

  • what protocol to feed VLC with (http, rtsp,…)
  • what IP is needed (the one from the add-on logs, homeassistant.local, myalias.duckdns.org)
  • whether a login/password is needed like rtsp://login:password@ip:8554/camera-name : what are those credentials ? my Wyze credentials (I don’t think so) ? credentials entered in the RTSP settings in the app after you flashed the cam ? (if that is ever a requirement)

What would be the structure of a Wyze cam stream to open in VLC ?..

Here’s the batch file I use to see what is on my porch camera:

@echo off
rem camera-porch.bat
cd \Program Files (x86)
cd VideoLAN
cd VLC
vlc rtsp://porch:[email protected]/live

Are those credentials porch:myPassword the ones you chose in the Wyze app after flashing your camera with the RTSP firmware ?
Like shown here How to Setup Wyze Cam Stream in HOME ASSISTANT (Easy) - YouTube

No. Read my post #65 above.

Are you referring to this post ? (because #65 doesn’t seem to be from you if I scroll the timeline on the right of the thread)
If I understand correctly, you did flash your camera with RTSP firmware.
But mrlt8 answered to me : No need for the RTSP firmware.

So is flashing with RSTP firmware a requirement or not ?! :expressionless:
(I haven’t flashed yet and would rather not unless necessary)

Hi JeromeO,

I was in the same boat as you were. I figured it out and hopefully it can help you too. Here are the steps. I have Wyze Cam V3, factory default firmware, Android app ver. v2.31.0 (145)

Hope this helps. (Since the rules did not allow me to post URLs I have pasted image of instuctions)


I am saying that if you flash RTSP, you do not need a Wyze account or the Wyze cloud.

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Thank you for those detailed steps !

Steps 10 and 11 : what are those camera_user_name and camera_password ? :confused:
Are they the Wyze credentials ?
If not, where can I find them ?

Do you use duckdns like me ?
And if so, does it change anything in those steps ?
Thank you !