Wyze Cam V3 - RTSP works!

Is the Docker Wyze bridge obsolete now that RTSP is available right from Wyze? Or is there some better reason for the bridge?

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As far as I am aware, the RTSP from Wyze is an entirely separate firmware which is not actively supported and removes several features.
This bridge is still very useful.

Can everyone here

and vote on this wish about WebRTC for the V3

We need a latency free experience!

The more votes the quicker the devs bring it!

Iā€™ve been using WebRTC on my Wyze cameras, with standard firware, with no problems via the Wyze-Bridge using the following configurations with very little latency:

type: custom:webrtc-camera
url: rtsp://localhost:8554/5310cam2


FYI, WebRTC has been active and running on most of the cams for sometime now.

Dev branch should pull the credentials, but I havenā€™t had much time to play around with it yet.

Anyone able to get more than 1 v3 Cam working in their dashboard? I have them all configured and setup with the RTSP firmware, but only 1 will show at any given time, and I get errors in the logs about the other two not having a stream:

Logger: homeassistant.components.stream
Source: components/stream/init.py:305
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:35:57 PM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:52:51 PM

Error from stream worker: Stream has no video

I have two v3 cameras both running RTSP firmware.
I donā€™t use this bridge and they both seem to work well. try this in your camera.yaml file.
then just refresh your generic cameras and you should start seeing them.

  - platform: generic
    name: Roof
    still_image_url: rtsp://Camera:[email protected]/live
    stream_source: rtsp://Camera:[email protected]/live

Obviously using your particular information. I hope this helps

Thanks Corey_Maxim

This works also for me! Now I can finally see the stream in motion eye. I copied as you said the code and it works.
I was trying to do the wyze bridge (like this video Wyze Cam V3 in Home Assistant FINALLY!!! - YouTube) but for this moment it was to difficult for me. This portainer/docker etc. I sometimes read about this docker etc. butā€¦

I donā€™t know. Maybe I need this wyze bridge for something else in the fututre. But Iā€™m happy that the problem of a grey screen in Motioneye is gone!

So thanks, maybe I have helped with this answer a few other members.

More then happy to help anybody, I canā€™t tell you how many time I have asked in the past and got the help I needed. Without all these great people here I would be lost for sure!

I just bought a Wyze v3, upgraded firmware to support RTSP but a lot of times the camera feed wonā€™t display on my dashboard and I get an error like this:
Sometimes it also displays a broken image without any error

My camera is sitting right next to an Eero 6 Pro router so Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not dropping out of the network

If I click on the camera the live feed always work, so itā€™s really just the LoveLace card. Reloading the dashboard often fix the issue.

You donā€™t need this bridge to get RTSP in HA. Turn on the settings in the Wyze app and enter your information into the camers.yaml. refresh you ip cameras and it will be there, no restart needed! Good Luck!

Thatā€™s exactly what I did. I didnā€™t use the bridge at all, but I keep having issues with broken camera image. Right now Iā€™m getting a different error

Edit: just got a different error now
Couldnā€™t find anything in the logs

i see those every once in a while, but the stream usually starts after a few seconds. Im not sure what is causing it? Are you on the HA beta?

No not on beta. I get the error 50% of the time and it never goes away by itself unless I press CTRL+F5 to force reload the page. When I click on the camera to view the live feed it always works though, itā€™s just the Lovelace card.

I have some TP-Link Tapo cameras and I never had any issue

I installed the camera together with the bridge, but if i go the the device setting it says all sensor/entities are unavailable.

Anyone else seeing this or have an idea what is causing this?

Iā€™m using the RTSP firmware on my v3 cams since a few months and I noticed one camera is having issues with the ip address it gets from the DHCP.
It just doesnā€™t want to take it. I have 3 cams but only 1 has the issue.
I do not recall having the issue when I had the original firmware.
Anyone else having issues with the ip address changing with the RTSP firmware?
The current firmware they are on is

I have 3 V2ā€™s and one V3 all running on RTSP with no issues.

Did this camera ever have a static IP address? The router may be trying to associate the MAC address with the old IP address.

All my cameraā€™s have reserved ipā€™s assigned by the dhcp.
Only 1 cam has issues. It just takes another free address from the dhcp range.
The router logs donā€™t show anything special.

I have been using this for about a week now with no issues with the exception of the odd camera stream not showing on the first click of the cam.
A few days ago i did some updates and now my cam stream has a huge delay of 5-30 seconds and thats if it decides to show at all.
Wyzw cam docker version 1.3.2
HA OS on rpi 4 version 2022.4.1
How do I fix this?
I am still learning HA so please go easy on me if the issue is apparent.

2022/04/08 08:21:23 [doorcam] WARNING: Frame not available yet
2022/04/08 08:21:28 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :open_book: New client reading
2022/04/08 08:21:34 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :closed_book: Client stopped reading
2022/04/08 08:24:34 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :open_book: New client reading
2022/04/08 08:24:40 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :closed_book: Client stopped reading
2022/04/08 08:27:40 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :open_book: New client reading
2022/04/08 08:27:46 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :closed_book: Client stopped reading
2022/04/08 08:30:46 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :open_book: New client reading
2022/04/08 08:30:50 [RTSP][DOORCAM] :closed_book: Client stopped reading

There was a delay bug in the previous version, but it should have been fixed in v1.3.2.

Is the delay visible in a third party app like VLC?
Any chance this is a doorbell, and if so, are you using rotation?