Wyze integration flakiness

I’ve been using the custom Wyze integration to control a couple of smartplugs with table lamps connected to them. Things have worked fine for a while now with no problem. Today I noticed that when I turn either of the lamps on using the HA front end, the toggle switch moves correctly and the icon changes color correctly, but only for a second, after which they revert to the “off” position. The entity state never changes from “off” in “Developer Tools”.

What’s weird is that the plugs themselves respond correctly and the lamps come on and stay on. I can also turn them off when I want by clicking the HA toggle again (which now shows the light as off when it’s on). The lamps go off and stay off and, again, the entity state never changes from “off”. I also have each of these lamps defined in automations, and they both work correctly, turning on and off when they should.

But why does the HA front end no longer indicate they are on when they are? This is new behavior. Plug firmware is up to date, and integration release has not been changed. Any ideas about what’s happening here?

OK, here’s an update for anyone who stumbles on this. I figured I’d just remove the Wyze plugs from my system and try something else that might work better. I deleted the first Wyze plug and put in a Kasa Smart EP-10. That worked as hoped and the front end now reflected the correct state for the switch. I was getting ready to remove the second Wyze plug when I noticed that it was now working the way it should, No idea if this is a coincidence and maybe something else changed to correct things (can’t think of anything else that changed). Anyway, it’s data for anyone trying to debug this behavior.