Wyze motion detection shown in dashboard but doesn't work

Hi all,

Thanks for having me in this forum. I am new to the automation world and came across HA just recently thru YouTube videos. Managed to install it on a Raspberry Pi 3 that I have and so far it’s been working fine for most of my IoT devices. I am still learning a lot and struggling a bit with HA terms like integrations and entities and etc.

My cry for help is as follows. I have Wyze motion detection sensors. I managed to install HACS and I can actually see the motion detection options in the rooms, but the on and off buttons are unavailable. I know they work just fine because I see the change of state when they are blocked in the Wyze app, but that’s all. Also, on a side note, another reason why I know the integration works is that I can enable and disable home monitoring in Wyze thru HA, and even created an automation to turn it on every night.

Has anyone had experience in making the Wyze motion sensors work in HA? My ultima goal is to control lights based on motion detection via them.

Thank you in advance.