Wyze support?

I have had a few Wyze sensors for a while and ran them on earlier versions of Home Assistant.

I’m starting from scratch with Home Assistant and having seen the unofficial integration being no longer maintained for about two years I’m wondering whether I can still use these sensors.

Anyone still use them? If yes, anything to watch out for to make it work? If not what are good alternatives? I like the tiny size of the sensors



Replace ‘device_state_attributes’ with ‘extra_state_attributes’ at the bottom of binary_sensor.py file.

… ALSO …

You need to keep an eye :eyes: on the battery levels OR they WILL die; But, there is a fix for that too. :clap:

All the best :+1:

Thanks. Which repo do you use?

https://github.com/JoshuaMulliken/ha-wyzeapi; or

On my old system I have used the one from Kevin Vincent but the one from Joshua Mulliken seems to be more current.

I’m using the original one and just modified the binary_sensor.py file.

I’m getting an error while trying to install the Joshua Milliken integration. “Config flow could not be loaded: undefined”
Anyone have ideas?

You tried clearing cache, restart, reinstall ?

Thanks. That worked like a charm!