Wyze to Node-Red to Input Boolean

I’m trying to add a Wyze sense contact sensor to Home Assistant. I did find other posts here with configuration examples; however, I did not want to hijack those threads.

Node red is getting the webhook post data. After it his the switch in my flow and goes to the service update, it states it was expecting 2 values and only got one. I can see the post in debugging, and it looks to be complete. Ifttt seems to be adding a leading space in the device name.

I feel like this going to be a typo or something. I verified that I do not have a leading space in the sensor name given to the sensor in Wyze.

I’m going to reply to my own message. Solved it.

I had a typo in the entity Id. That was first problem. My next issue was that I need to name my Wyze sensor to the input binary entity name. No caps and not spaces.

After making those changes, it turns on. now I just need to figure out how to turn it off.