I wrote that you might get in touch with them. I didn’t write anything about the other things.
I also wrote to them that if they want to support the integration, they are welcome to send all devices that are not supported yet.
I wrote that you might get in touch with them. I didn’t write anything about the other things.
I also wrote to them that if they want to support the integration, they are welcome to send all devices that are not supported yet.
cool! I will contact them
I have a SMA51 mailbox alarm, and it seems to add correctly, but nothing seems to happen when it triggers.
Let me know if you would like me to share it.
For me it looks like all the readings are frozen and no update happens.
Values are updated, if I open the app on my phone or reload the integration though. Apart from that works nicely with watersensor, temp sensor, smoke detector and CO detector.
yes, would it be possible to share it? The device might report additional values that might be useful.
The lack of updating is a known issue, we need mqtt for that. When the app opens, it connects to mqt, subscribes and asks for updates for certain devices (such as the temp-sensor) This will trigger the updating, until the mqtt connection closes (when the app is closed)
I’m currently working on it, but I have been quite busy with some other things.
Thanks @bleem313!
There’s one additional field called “activate” for the SMA51, which currently has value “1”. Not yet sure what it means, I cannot see anything useful in the app.
Do you have an idea? I could find any clues so far.
Do you have mail now?
Edit: found more info in another api-call: “mailNotice”: “0”
I have changed my settings from default so that it doesn’t ‘hold’ hold the alert until dismissed, it just plays the chime / sends a notification when the mail box is opened. That could be the mailNotice.
I changed the setting for “Enable Alarm Sound” to be disabled. Is there an easy way for me to check if this changes the api calls myself? I’m used to working with tools like postman. I’m guessing it will be easier to just check them yourself.
Feel free to try adjusting setting on that sensor to see how it affects what you are getting back. Just maybe avoid changing the tone/volume settings, as that will cause the hub to make noise and confuse my wife, haha.
I have 6 XS01-M Smoke Detectors and a X-Sense Base. Works great but I can’t test them through Home Assistant. I would test it through the App but the issue is that you can’t have multiple Devices at once.
He is mentioning in the plugin, that you should make an additional account! Just make new one and use the new one for the Home assistant. You can give this account access to your base station from your main account.
BR Andi
Thanks for your great work!
Hello guys,
I’m new to the home assistant community and I’m following the thread curiously.
I also own the smoke detectors from x-sense but unfortunately my components are not supported by this integration. What are the chances that my setup can also be used?
First of all thanks for all the work thus far!!
I have manually added the xsense folder under custom components and downloaded all the files, then updated the manifest.json with a version number. After restarting HA, I am able to add the integration, however the first dialog prompts for what I assume is a username and password, to which I enter the second account I invited to my devices…but I only get an error saying no devices will retry. Have I missed a step? I have just purchased a couple XC04-WX Carbon Monoxide monitors and not sure if they are supported with this custom integration or not but either way I have to resolve this issue. Any ideas?
Quick follow up. I deleted my manual attempt at adding the custom component and switched to the HACS approach to deploying the custom component and it worked immediately. I am thinking the issue may have been my editing in the manifest.json, as I was not sure which version I needed to add there. Regardless, once I installed with HACS my two XC04-WX devices were immediately found and within minutes I had them added to dashboards and created automations for alerting based on detection levels. Truly appreciate the work that went into making this work!!! Thanks all!!!
sorry all for being so quiet, have been busy and had other things on my mind.
Although I haven’t responded here, I did make some progress. I have some working code that is able to connect to MQTT and will receive updates. It also asks for updates for the temperature sensors. It is not finished yet (some of my id’s are hardcoded, but at least it works)
Had some hard time trying to implement it in the HA-component. However I encountered all kind of thread-issues.
@bleem313 I collected testdata, but I haven’t made further progress yet. I think when MQTT is working, the integration of the mailbox-sensor should be easy.
@blachaspace It looks like that the test is requested via a normal API call. To include it in the component, I’ll have to add the switch-entity. Should be pretty straightforward, but I’ll have to figure out how to make those switches first.
@marfeld It is using the same app so I see no reason why it shouldnt work. Have you tried it yet? Did you get any errors. If possible you can always share your devices with me and I can have a look. However, I have a lengthy todo-list so it might take some time.
@sangellga keep in mind that the current levels are not realtime and might have a very big delay. When we have the MQTT connection, things will get better.
How Long is the delay between Alarm in the xsense App and HA? Who Can Test it?
Thanks a lot guys !!! works fine ith my 5 STH51
I’ve recently purchased a set of x-sense cameras with solar panels (SSC0A), but from what I see no one is supporting them in Home assistant.
If you need any information about them or even shared access for development, poke!