X10 IO interface using Heyu

Installed the HA Hassbian and the Heyu addon to control X10 IO. I logged into the Raspberry over SSH and tested the install the lights do turn on and off when sending the commands on the command line. When I try to turn the light on and off in HA using the developers service nothing happens, light don’t go on or off. It appears the HA is not sending the heyu X10 commands to the powerline interface.


I am not an expert here, but I do use HA and heyu to run my lights. Here’s what I’d do:

  • Check the HA log file; it is probably {HA-HOME}/home-assistant.log, where {HA-HOME} is probably /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant . You can either just look at it with ‘less’, or do a ‘tail -f {filename}’ and then push buttons on theH GUI to see if any error messages happen.

I guess you can also, more easily, look at the log from the “Developer Tools” page in HA itself; do you know how to do this?

I’m guessing that HA isn’t finding heyu on your path; I have this same issue with any new HA (re-)installation, and have to hack the code to make it work. (Actually I just logged in here today to attempt to resolve this issue!)

Let me know what you find out!

  • rob