Xbox 1 text to speech?

So I added my xbox one and theirs a text to speech Option, and out of curiosity it sent the word butt cheeks but it didn’t do anything but open the play store sorta. But not load anything. So I opened it and installed all text to speech or speech to text apps. It still doesn’t work. Jw how do I make it say stuff because it seems like it would be funny as hell.

The text to speech box in the Lovelave UI calls a Text to Speech Integration to convert the entered text into an audio file.
The URL of the audio file (e.g. http://hassio:8123/tts/hash123.wav) gets sent to the media player which then plays it back.
However, looking at the XBOX integration and the source code I don’t think the XBOX can just play back audio from random URLs, and the media_player.play_media service is only being used to open apps.
If you wanted to, you could install Kodi on your XBOX (if you can) and use that I guess.

I see, huh. Just hoped I could screw with it. Oh well :man_shrugging: