Xbox integration - xbox on/off issue


I have an automation setup that switches my AVR to the xbox as soon as the xbox goes online. Since the addon was made into an integration, my AVR keeps seemingly randomly switching to my Xbox although it has not turned on. Checking the logs, I can see that my media_player.xboxone “turns on” (without actually turning on) for a couple of seconds every couple of hours.
Is this behaviour expected? And if yes, why? :rofl:

Mine stays off, but I have my xbox turn OFF not on STANDBY.

Perhaps you can find the duration then set the AVR automation to trigger when Xbox is on for that plus 2 seconds or something?

Edit, its more than likely the xbox checking in with servers for updates/etc. On standby I experience this with my Tizen TV. (1 second every 30 minutes on the dot)

My Xbox powers off, no standby. That workaround you suggested is a good idea, but logs show Xbox turned on for over a minute sometimes. I might try readding my Xbox if this is only an issue concerning my device.

Did it go “on” or “unavailable”? Mine was offline a bit last night for a minute or two. My automation is when the Xbox is state: on, guessing yours is the same.

It definitely goes on. I have unplugged the Xbox and it still switches to on…

Yeah that’s not happening on my end. Good call on reinstalling the integration.

Did reinstalling the integration solve the issue? I got the same problems on my xbox series x. It goes to on a lot (in the integration). It make all kind off mystical issues in my TV room due to the automations I have made…

The xbox is however seemingly off. But I also expect it to go online to check for updates. As far as I understand it will do this while also while being off, not only on standby.

It seemed like it did help at first, but the behavior returned.
What I did as a workaround for now is also include the sensor for my Xbox id in my automation. This works as long as there is no update prompt at the beginning of starting the console.

Do you also have the UPnP availability sensor? I am guessing wether this integration is causing the issue.

No, I have that integration as ignored. I guess I have to experiment with using xbox id…

Sorry for awakening an old thread but thought better to do this than post a new one for a related enquiry

I have a Series X and use it in energy saving mode - this means neither Home Assistant or Alexa are able to turn it on

Just wondering if anyone knew a way to overcome this and somehow remotely power on the Xbox when in energy saving?

There’s an option to put the xbox in a standard, non-energy saving sleep mode for some scheduled hours. Your best bet would be to disable energy saving for whatever hours you’re most likely to want the ability to remotely power it on.

Is there a way to schedule the energy saving?

Is this a new feature? Haven’t seen it one my one s yet.

I just realized that I only see this option on my spare Xbox One that’s enrolled in the insider program. The ‘Active Hours’ scheduling feature must not be rolled out beyond the insider previews yet. My mistake!

I think I am also in the insider program… Need to check the settings again then.

Hello together,
I struggle with the unperformant/unreliable switching on and off the XBox. E.g., wenn I try to switch on, it switches in and goes immediately off, I have no idea.
I try to overcome this with a own defined media player but it is not working.

Many thanks in advance for any help!!

What I have…

  • The XBox integration
  • Via UPnP sensing the on/off status of the XBox as via the integration it takes too much time for updating

What I try…

My code…

  platform: universal
  name: Test Universal
  unique_id: Test Universal
    - media_player.wohnzimmer_xbox
      service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: media_player.wohnzimmer_xbox
      service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: media_player.wohnzimmer_xbox

    state: binary_sensor.wohnzimmer_xbox_sensor

My problem… I cannot control / see the on/off status…

I found the solution. In case somebody is interested…

  platform: universal
  name: Test Universal
  unique_id: Test Universal
    - media_player.wohnzimmer_xbox
  state_template: >
    {% if is_state('binary_sensor.wohnzimmer_xbox_sensor', 'off') or is_state('binary_sensor.wohnzimmer_xbox_sensor', 'unavailable') %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
      service: media_player.turn_on
        entity_id: media_player.wohnzimmer_xbox
      service: media_player.turn_off
        entity_id: media_player.wohnzimmer_xbox