Xeoma cameras not found after xeoma 18.11.21 update

Just noticed that my cameras are not being found after the Xeoma 18.11.21 update.

the log just says “2018-11-28 11:04:22 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.camera.xeoma] Error: Unable to find any camera image names”

Any ideas how to fix this?


No solution, just here to confirm the problems, same here :disappointed_relieved: No more cameraimages after update of xeoma. Images are reachable in the browser via the http://ip:10090/1.jpg as before. Don’t know if this has anything to do with xeoma or that it is pure coincidence…

Hoe someone can shed some light to this issue.


It. Ust be something with HA. Both web and cliemt works with xeoma

I have the same problem. I opened an issue here: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/19306

It looks like that the new Xeoma web-interface broke pyxeoma on which this integration depends…

Hope that the dev is so kind to fix this issue…

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Since the Xeoma webserver uses JPG images and MJPEG stream, you can use the generic MJPEG integration.

My setup, which work flawless:

  - platform: mjpeg
    name: Voordeur
    still_image_url: http://xeomaserverip:10090/image21.jpg
    mjpeg_url: http://xeomaserverip:10090/video21.mjpg

Hope this helps someone…

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thank you, that is working.

iframes also work