Xfinity device tracker is not working properly

Xfinity device tracker is showing some devices (including some mobile devices, hue hub, ESP8266 devices etc.) away, but that device is connected to the network. I tried restarting that device, hassio, Xfinity gateway, but after getaway restart it is only working for about 10 minutes.

Some other devices are working perfectly with Xfinity gateway device tracker.

I’m having a similar problem. I’m using Xfinity in my config. I’ve tried the following two config methods.

   - platform: xfinity
     interval_seconds: 10
     consider_home: 180
     track_new_devices: true

and just

   - platform: xfinity

In any case. Although it appears the known_devices.yaml is being phased out, when using the above limited config, it populates “some” of my known network devices, but not all, and none of the mobile devices appear to ever change from the Away status, and no matter how many times I restart all the hardware, it never updates either the devices status’ nor populates the full list of connected devices on my network into the known_devices.yaml file.

Any better suggestions for reliable presence detection?

We need to do some modifications to the Xfinity device tracker repository. Any volunteers are appreciated.

I’m happy to help whenever needed.

You can check this Github Issue and move forward from that.