i have a few xiaomi miio based devices, air purifier 2s, air purifier pro, vacuum and fan 1c.
For the air purifiers Iam using “xiamoni_miio”, for the vacuums also.
And Iam using two custom components for 1 vacuum and the xiaomi standing fan 1c.
Since a few days all xiaomi devices went missing from HA. I have no errors in the log file.
I checked if all the read out tokens are still coret, they are.
Xiaomo had some problems with its app or server, but the official xiaomi app is now working without any problems again. But still the devices are missing in HA.
I really have no clue what happend here.
Has anybody experienced the same problems?
The devices are reachable by the Home Assiatnt Raspberry, so network should be fine as well…