Xiaomi Acpartner dose not work after update

2019-03-07 22:51:03 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] Unable to find platform xiaomi_miio. Search path was limited to path of component: homeassistant.components

How this could happen? This had worked fine for a couple months now. After update it is messed up

What version did you upgrade from & what version dod you upgrade to?

HA or Hassio?

Did you read the release notes and/or run the Hassio configuration check as recommended before upgrading?

0.88 to 0.89. On 0.88, the log say things on the custom_components folder need to be changed but I don’t pay much attention to on that and simply ingnore it.

Update your component: https://github.com/syssi/xiaomi_airconditioningcompanion

Platform name was changed and a new dummy file was added as per: https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2019/02/19/the-great-migration.html