Xiaomi Air Purifier as Air Purifier in Homekit

So currently with the setup, Xiaomi Air Purifier is under “Fan” category, hence when setting it up at Homekit, it will just show up as fan.

However, with the latest version of Homekit start to support Air Purifier, is there any possibility that change to be Air Purifier, so that is easier to change the icon and settings?

+1 having it as a fan doesnt make sense.

Does anyone were able to put it as purifier?

And did you manage to chose the entity’s to show on HomeKit? I had this and show a lot of buttons on HomeKit! :man_facepalming:t2:

Nope. Home Assistant devs haven’t implemented HomeKit Purifier device type… :frowning:

You can try implementing it as a Humidifier, which is better than have a bunch of buttons and a fan.