Xiaomi Aqara Door Lock in Hass

Does anyone have a Xiaomi door lock? and does it work with the current Xiaomi integration?

I have just ordered one and i hope it integrates nicely :slight_smile:


Hmm… Looks interesting!

i picked up the silver left handed model for AU $160, i can’t really afford it, neither could i ignore it…

Wow, how did you get that price? I’d be after a right handed version myself…


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Finally cave in a few weeks ago after I saw it was $160 on gearbest. Hard work for me to install it on my front door since it’s usually door knob or deadbolt on where I’m at. It has zigbee but I can’t use it to lock/unlock or add user. I’m able to delete users though. Hopefully future gateway fw will expand its function.

EDIT: there’s an S2 version, not sure what’s new:


Any news on the integration?
I’d love to purchase one, but would first like to know if any of you managed to set it up with Home Assistant.

Dam I was under the impression it worked with HA from looking at the gateway component on hass website, if you drill down though to seperate Aqara locks component you get this…

The  `xiaomi aqara`  lock platform allows you to get data ( `changed_by`  property,  `verified_wrong_times`  attribute) from your [Xiaomi](http://www.mi.com/en/) Aqara locks. A Aqara lock cannot be controlled by Home Assistant. The property  `changed_by`  provides the user/key ID of the last successful unlock.

If someone tries to unlock the device but fails more than 3 times the  `verified_wrong_times`  attribute will be incremented. The counter resets on a successful unlock.

The requirement to use this platform is that you have set up the [Xiaomi Aqara](https://www.home-assistant.io/components/xiaomi_aqara/)component.

looks like its a no go for now.

pity my S2 lock is in the mail :frowning:

Did you keep the lock? If so is it possible for the doorbell button to send a notification to HA?

Not sure if replying to me or the original poster.

I have the xiaomi Door lock S2, I added it to the MI app no issues but home assistant says its cannot read the device and says to update the firmware in the logs.

There is nothing I can see the MI app to tie the door bell button into anything which would have been nice.

Thanks for the quick reply. That’s a shame it doesn’t want to connect on HA side, I really like the design of the lock but ideally I want something that can tie in with HA. If only I was smart enough to be able to hack it myself!

I have just installed the Xiaomi Vima lock cylinder with the Zigbee2MQTT bridge, can pick up some basic stuff like which key has been inserted, if it’s been left in the barrel, and if an unknown key has been inserted

are there any plans to add support for Aqara S2? HA recognize it as a device that needs to be updated and cant connect.