Setup failed for xiaomi_aqara: Integration failed to initialize.
7:59:06 PM – (ERROR)
No gateway discovered
7:59:06 PM – xiaomi_aqara (ERROR)
Setup of xiaomi_aqara is taking over 10 seconds.
7:56:46 PM – (WARNING)
I have tried the discovery_retry up to 30s. same no go.
I then thought I have some ports blocked.
So nmap shows this:
root@mypc:~# nmap -sU -Pn -p 9898,4321,54321,5353
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2020-03-17 20:33 AWST
Unable to find nmap-services! Resorting to /etc/services
Cannot find nmap-payloads. UDP payloads are disabled.
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0028s latency).
4321/udp open|filtered unknown
5353/udp open|filtered mdns
9898/udp open unknown
54321/udp open|filtered unknown
So it seems all the important ports are opened but I am still having issues.
I must be missing something? I have searched everywhere but i could not find a working solution.
Okay. I added the mac and ip to configuration yaml now. did not work.
Then I see that the Mihome app on my ipad has a new version. So I updated that. Tried the same again no deal.
I must have then reset the gateway and restart home assistant at least a dozen times and then tried again and again. I lost count.
Finally it works! The gateway is finally detected in home assistant.
However, the devices are very sluggish. For instance, when the sensor detected a change in state, it reported very slow in home assistant. I am wondering if this is due to Home assistant or due to the Xiaomi devices. Suffice to say I will not be buying anymore xiaomi stuff for home assistant.