Xiaomi Aqara gateway

Hello people,

i ordered a Xiaomi Aqara hub but I can’t connect it to my rasp pi.
This tutorial:

isn’t working anymore because the ‘about’ tab isn’t available anymore. as I read in different topics.

Does anyone know how to add the Aqara hub to my home assistant?
It is the homekit version

Thanks in advance


It seems like the developer key mode is not supported on the homekit version of the aqara hub (hopefully yet!)

One of the admins on the company’s forums mentioned a timeline of early 2019 back in September.

It’s a wait and watch scene right now!

Was literally about to buy the new gateway since the price difference b/w old one and this one was negligible.
However now trying to figure out if I should expect aqara to stick to their promise or just go in for the old for now and then upgrade later.