I’ve succesfully added the Aqara Hub (homekit) with the key after following several topics in this communicty. Sensors are being shown, and I’m able to control the light/arm alarm, so far so good.
However, none of the services is available (e.g. setting ringtone).
If I go to the developer section, services, I don’t see anything like xiaomi.xxxxx…
What could be wrong to my setup?
FW on gateway: 3.0.0_001
"entry_id": "32c06606[knip]....",
"version": 1,
"domain": "homekit_controller",
"title": "Aqara Hub-7376",
"data": {
"AccessoryPairingID": "DC:89:16:7B:23:C5",
"AccessoryLTPK": "a42ea7fb6e25cebd494c5[knip]...",
"iOSPairingId": "ab1fc3b9-4970-4f[knip]...",
"iOSDeviceLTSK": "8b19852805bea818054987f5c5c2c[knip]...",
"iOSDeviceLTPK": "9a08ca429b5331cf9e[knip]...",
"AccessoryIP": "",
"AccessoryPort": 4567,
"Connection": "IP"
"options": {},
"system_options": {
"disable_new_entities": false
"source": "zeroconf",
"connection_class": "local_poll",
"unique_id": "dc:89:16:7b:23:c5"