Xiaomi Aqara Hub M1S - siren "not working"

Hi All,

I have an issue with my automation in YAML.
When triggered it sends notification to my phone, but it is not engaging the siren of Aqara Hub. I am getting error on the ringtone and not sure why, but my Aqara Hub is not showing such instance on the list in Home Assistant.

What should I do?

Code below:

  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.contact_sensor
    to: "on"
  - condition: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.aqara_hub
    state: armed_away
  - service: xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone
      ringtone_id: 0
      ringtone_vol: 50
      gw_mac: xxxx(hidden)
  - service: notify.mobile_app_phone
      message: >-
        Alarm! Wykryto otwarcie w obszarze {{state_attr(trigger.entity_id,
        'friendly_name') }}!
            name: yelp_signal.wav
            critical: 1
            volume: 1
mode: single

I do not believe it’s the issue with the code, but just in case I am adding it.

I do not know how to and if possible at all in my Hub to use the siren. It has build in one, and via Aqara ecosystem it can be engaged, but I would like to manage it via HA.

Any ideas?


If there is another post on the topic where it is solved, I would appreciate a comment with a link. I have checked the community and can’t find a solution to my problem :(((