Xiaomi Aqara/MiJa Hub fails to play ringtone

I used the hub for burglar alarm, though now it does not play any ringtone anymore (since 0.106 I guess?)

I see in the services tab:

Play a specific ringtone. The version of the gateway firmware must be 1.4.1_145 at least.

Not sure what fw I am on, why has this changed? Can I safely update the device without losing the debug connection?

To test I’m doing:


gw_mac: 'GW_MAC_HERE'
ringtone_id: '3'
ringtone_vol: '5'

It used to work fine for months, the LED ring still works OK.

I don’t see anything of errors or such in the log

For anyone coming across the same issue, I found what was causing it:

For some reason if the IP address does not match in the configuration (e.g. router reboot or so) but the MAC address is correct, the LED ring will still be responsive, the ringtone playing will not.

Make a DHCP reservation in your router so the gateway always gets the same IP-address.

Unfortunately the router I get from my ISP doesn’t have any such options (at some point I should buy my own, I know :wink: )

Are you 100% sure this is the reason? I have a DHCP reservation made, still my system is unable to play any sounds through the hub, while in the past this had worked just well.

I could fix the issue twice by updating to the new IP address. Don’t know if there are other issues, but at least that one got it fixed for me. Try changing the IP lease to another IP and updating your config (and power cycle your hub of course).

hi.I using the latest 3.1.1_0001 firmware in aquara hub but the problem is i dont have any xiaomi aqara services.

how to i enable xiaomi_aqara.play_ringtone service ??? i integrate aqura hub with HomeKit Controller.
